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Katie Holland

Meet your host Katie ~ sacred dance and inner empowerment facilitator...

Katie Holland
Following an innate fascination for movement and the profound self empowerment and healing it can give; Katie has been dancing from the age of three, with over 20 years experience in Arabic Dance. Katie has also studied Ballet, Tap, Modern, African, Samba, Bollywood, Sacred Nepalese Buddhist dances, Sufi Whirling, Tai Chi, Qi Gung, Osho Dynamic meditation, Gurdjieff Sacred dances and is currently studying Bharatnatyam, Tantra and Balinese dance.

Through dance, dynamic movement, a vegan yogic lifestyle, exploration and conscious intention Katie has deepened her own personal level of Self-observation, understanding, psychic awareness, teaching and holding sacred space. This has also gave her a deep connection to the natural world and access to previously unknown knowledge and strengths within that she has then happily been able to share with others. 


After 12 years of development, Katie created Awakened Bellydance, a multi-faceted, transformative, self-awakening process which travels far beyond the realms of the usual Bellydancer. See link above:

An Inner dance facilitator/facilitator trainer, Access Bars practitioner trainer, Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift and Light Energy Weave practitioner, Massage therapist, Yoga teacher, Laughter Yoga teacher, a Reiki Master/Teacher in Usui and Tera-Mai Seichem traditions and Egyptian Cartouche. Katie has studied many forms of dance (see website for details).

Katie held the first UK Inner dance facilitator training. She has been extremely active in sharing this empowering modality, regularly holding trainings, immersions and workshops across the world.

She has a deep interest in deep ecology; recently studying and teaching at a ecological/permaculture internship at Gaia Ashram, Thailand. 

She loves to combine dance with cultural and ecological education which expands into personal and beautiful self awakenings on her retreats. Encouraging You to achieve your highest potential; her methods of teaching and performing have evolved to fuse many forms of dance and energy work. Her aim? To enthuse this inspirational, magical energy to all she meets! 


For more of Katie's workshops, teacher trainings and intensives around the world please see links above to and 


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